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Ming, Ozzy, & Nolan

From left to right : Ming, Ozzy, and Nolan. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 12/23/2012, 05/25/2021, and 05/23/2021 respectively.

From left to right : Ming, Ozzy, and Nolan. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 12/23/2012, 05/25/2021, and 05/23/2021 respectively.


Ming was a rescue. She was one when I got her, and was my first Doberman. She was immediately attached and protective. Insanely loyal. She was stabbed stopping an intruder at my house. She lived, but when she turned four we got her cancer diagnosis. She was gone four months later. I miss her every day and will love her forever.

—Erin Sweeney


My boy was so sweet. We always joked that he loved the color pink but really I think he just loved being around me in my pink bedroom. He always greeted me at the door after work, jumping up on the armchair for kisses. I loved to kiss the top of his head, it was so soft and he would always meow when you stopped. He never was very playful, and he loved cuddles. Being in my bed alone is one of the hardest parts, because it's where he almost always was. I miss my sweet boy more than anything.



Nolan was a gentle giant boxer pit mix who we rescued from Craigslist. He loved eating treats and being by your side. He hated being alone so he was always next to you. He wore a red bandana and his favorite toy was a blue penguin.


👀 Click here to see Ming, Ozzy, and Nolan with friends