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Zeppelin, Google, & Marley

From left to right : Zeppelin, Google, and Marley. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 08/10/2020, 05/05/2021, and 05/04/2021 respectively.

From left to right : Zeppelin, Google, and Marley. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 08/10/2020, 05/05/2021, and 05/04/2021 respectively.


Zappo Bear, we miss you so so much. Thank you for letting us love you and for being part of our family forever. Please leave some chicken for the other doggies. :')

—Danny and Natasha


The mere thought of him leaving us made me cry and now when he has left us, it is killing me and has made me a wreck. Google, run free. Now you're free from your struggle and pain. I love you so so much, my boy! And I'll see you again. Wait for me!!!!

—Kavya Gautam


Marley and I were inseparable, from the day he came to live with me as a puppy up until his last day. He was my best friend and showed me what unconditional love feels like. He was the light on my darkest days and kept me going. I hope you’re eating all the cheeseburgers and watching your favorite cartoons with all of the socks you can ever dream of. I love you so much Marley and I hope you watch over me, your dad and Snickles.


👀 Click here to see Zeppelin, Google, and Marley with friends