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Spunky, Chloe, & Jake

From left to right : Spunky, Chloe, and Jake. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 03/31/2021, 05/24/2021, and 04/08/2021 respectively.

From left to right : Spunky, Chloe, and Jake. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 03/31/2021, 05/24/2021, and 04/08/2021 respectively.


Spunky, my hero. My sweet boy my baby boy my heart and love. A piece of my soul. A true friend and companion. Always on Team Erika. Forever by my side. I'm always his, and he's forever mine. Eternally owning a part of each others’ soul. No one closer than we were. We had everything in each other. So lonely without you beside me for comfort and to assure I'm loved. So lost in my world without you in it. 3/17 - 3/21 See you again, one amazing day, for eternal company. I'm sorry you were sick. I'm sorry I couldn't help. I wish the world know you, but you wouldn’t care, because you only wanted me. Thank you for teaching me happiness again.



Chloe was the last piece of our family puzzle. I always wanted a puppy, and Mum (Jenny) would always say no. Long story short, my uncle was getting puppies through a family friend, and he had to find a home for all. Without knowing Mum took me to the farm to visit the puppies. When I asked, expecting a ‘no’, she said ‘yes’ and I got to choose one. I was the only boy in our trio and was going to choose the remaining boy puppy. But when I went for a play with them, all the puppies were chewing at my shoelace, except one. Chloe, was licking my shoelaces.
She would look at you with these beautiful eyes, her face would show so much love.
When I got older, and my license, we would go on road trips together. I stopped at the local lake, and took photos of her. She was so beautiful, and happy.
Everybody who ever met her, would comment, what a great dog. So calm, and friendly. A beautiful soul.
Even up until recently, vets and her dog cleaner would comment how full of life she was. Almost as if she was a puppy, if it wasn’t for the grey fur.

Dear Chloe,
You were the best thing that happened to me. When I was hurting; battling with depression, you would rest next to me and make me feel better. When I would come home from school, I would see you waiting for me looking out the window in mum’s room until you saw me at the end of the driveway. Then you would run downstairs so you could meet me at the door. You have grown, as I grew. You are my family. My sister. My best friend. My world will always be missing something without you. In my memory and my heart, you will exist the way you lived. Happy, playful, caring, loving, and adventurous.
Goodbye my precious little angel. I will never forget you.
Lots of Love,
Your big bro - Tim

—Jenny (Mum), Katie (Sister), and Tim (Brother)


Jake was my best friend. My mom thought he looked like Alf when he stood on two feet. He was a walking teddy bear, so I called him my Jakey bear. He was the happiest dog I’ve ever met and when we went on walks people noticed it too. He had endearingly goofy ears and brought so much joy to everyone he met. Jake was my soul dog and I miss him everyday. Love you always and forever, Jake.


👀 Click here to see Spunky, Chloe, and Jake with friends