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Chepina, Mango, & Amber

From left to right : Chepina, Mango, and Amber. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 08/29/2021, 08/08/2021, and 08/26/2021 respectively.

From left to right : Chepina, Mango, and Amber. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 08/29/2021, 08/08/2021, and 08/26/2021 respectively.


—Monica, Trevor, and Leona


Mango was my whole entire world. My precious angel died suddenly aged just 5 and nothing has been the same since. She was the best cat ever. More dog than cat in some ways. She slept on my pillow every night since we got her. I have never loved something more and the gap she has left in my life is horrible. I love you always and forever my precious Binky.



Amber was a tortie with tortietude, there will never be another cat just like Amber. She was the ruler of the roost Queen Amber, she was chatty and made her presence felt. I knew she was mine before I'd met her, a picture was all it took and I knew she was my girl. Once she was home she never left my side following me wherever I went and sleeping on my bed every night. Oh her purr was so soothing. I don't know if she knew it but she saved my life I wouldn't be here today without her. My saviour, my best friend and most loyal companion anyone could hope for. Amber was a fighter through so many health problems and we were lucky enough to have her for 16 years. This last week seems like a blur. I'm trying to remember when she last slept on my bed, last sat on my lap. I'm questioning everything, so unsure if I did the best for my girl, even though in my heart I knew I was going to have to say goodbye I was still holding out for another miracle. I'm sorry that I cried as you left this earth. I never wanted to cause you any distress in those last moments but the hurt at saying goodbye was overwhelming. Oh baby girl please know how very much I love you, what I would give to have you back here. I pray that you know how very much you meant to me. I hope your spirit comes to visit until we can be together all the time again. Life will never be the same without you, sleep tight my special Amber, I miss you so much. All my heart and love are with you always, RIP Amber xxx

—Sue Grant

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