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RBFT Community

Monti, Nugget, Neeko, & Agora

From left to right : Monti, Nugget, Neeko, and Agora. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 08/12/2021, 05/11/2021, 06/01/1993 and 05/11/2021 respectively.

From left to right : Monti, Nugget, Neeko, and Agora. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 08/12/2021, 05/11/2021, 06/01/1993 and 05/11/2021 respectively.


Monti was such a sweet girl. We were blessed to have her for 13 years. She sat by my side while I was going through cancer treatment. Our family misses her terribly. :(

—John & Jane Watkins


Nugget was our spoiled lil chameleon. She was so friendly, and she absolutely loved climbing onto anything and exploring. We couldn't miss her more. When she passed, a something started to grow out of her favorite plant to hang out on. We believe it's her just letting us know that she's still climbing around.

—Summer Rain & Diego


Dear Neeko,

You were the first pup in my adult life and you came into our lives as I was expecting. Because of the baby, I could not give you the undivided love that you deserved. But you were always there to greet and love us. There were times when I was frustrated, but that was never ever your fault. I wish I was a better dog mom to you, but I have learned from experience. You were the most the most gentle, beautiful, and loving creature. I miss you and I thank you for being Beauty’s mom and teacher. And for being a kind guardian and pet for my children. You are an angel.



Agora was a long-haired Calico Tortie/Mane Coon who was my queen, soul mate, companion, other half for 17 years since she was only 8 weeks old and I was 19. Every single adult mile stone was spent with her attached to my hip including moving to Los Angeles from Ohio 12 years ago. She spent 5 days in a uhaul truck with me so she is a cross-country adventurer! Agora was like a dog: waited at the door for me to come, slept every night on my bed for 17 years and was the cuddliest lap cat alive. Agora was internet famous and people around the world sent her birthday gifts for her birthday parties on April 12th. She was an old soul and Empath and always knew when my chronic illness were acting up (I am stage four pre-cancerous and autoimmune). She's lived many lives and I am certain they were with me and the next ones will be, as well.

—Orsolya Dunai

👀 Click here to see Monti, Nugget, Neeko, and Agora with friends