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Hamish, Nala, & Mr. Beans

From left to right : Hamish, Nala, and Mr. Beans. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 12/02/2016, 09/04/2021, and 09/01/2019 respectively.

From left to right : Hamish, Nala, and Mr. Beans. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 12/02/2016, 09/04/2021, and 09/01/2019 respectively.


Hamish was a people cat. He always wanted human attention. If there was room on your lap, he would be there. Bedtime companion and compete snuggle bug.

Sometimes you could be a bit fiery with Amber but we think that was just because of your redness. I could see you loved each other really, especially when you were sick she was always close by, and you were always by her side whenever she was poorly too. I'm so glad we got Fergus, as you were so happy being a big brother to him. You followed him around and loved your play times together. He brought so much life into your last 18 months. You loved Bruce too when he joined us! Hamish how you loved playing with dry spaghetti, you were such a funny boy. We miss you around here, you were the only cat who has ever appeared when your name was called. We could always hear you pad on the floor as you came to join us. When we found out how poorly you were, our hearts were broken. We tried so hard to keep you with us. PKD is so cruel and you didn't deserve to suffer like you did. I will always remember our last day together, all the cuddles we had and watching you enjoy your final meal. It broke my heart when you walked into the basket to head on your final journey. Your presence is missed everyday. Boi Boi and can't wait to see you again one day. Thank you for looking after Amber at the Rainbow Bridge - look after each other and I can't wait t see you both again - RIP xxx

—Sue Grant


Nala was a super sweet happy puppy who passed from parvo. I only had her for 11 days and she passed so young but I loved her just as much as I love my older pets. She made a big impact on my life and made me really happy. She was taken from me too early only at 9 weeks old but I’ll never forget her.



He was the silliest of bunnies and would always get mad and thump over the funniest things. He was always so independent but he always knew when I was hurt or sick so he would come cuddle with me on my times of need. He’s in a happier place now eating all the bananas he can get.


👀 Click here to see Hamish, Nala, and Mr. Beans with friends