Smiling Pet Angels

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Tyco & Mikey

From left to right : Tyco and Mikey. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 02/12/2021 and 02/16/2021 respectively.


Tyco always had a smile on her face and loved to watch and follow us around with joy. Tyco shined in my home like a ray of light, brightening our life every day and teaching us what love meant. Besides spending time with us, she also loved to roll on her back with her belly to the sun, sunbathing in the grass outside. I will miss the sound of her soft snores when she takes her naps and the silly way that she knocked on the backyard door with her paw before peering into the house through the door's glass window with a silly grin. Like a ray of sunshine that she is, her presence still brings warmth into my life and the lives of my mom and brother. We miss you and love you, Tyco.



Mikey's green eyes captured me as soon as he first opened them as a baby; his heart captured me during a very difficult time in my life - when my newborn son was born still.

Mikey was a baby himself and he was born deaf but he knew....he knew that my heart was broken in two and he was on a mission to mend the broken pieces.

Mikey followed me everywhere once I returned from the hospital and I was not alone, he slept right next me and made sure my arms were not empty.

There is no doubt in my mind that Mikey helped to pull me through that time and gave me a reason to want to wake up each day. It was the darkest time of my entire life but with Mikey and his little light, we found our way together.

—Jennifer Moore

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