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MoMo & Freddie

From left to right : MoMo and Freddie. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 07/14/2020 and 01/26/2020 respectively.

From left to right : MoMo and Freddie. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 07/14/2020 and 01/26/2020 respectively.


MoMo was my best friend. He liked to talk to me and walk with me around the house. He napped with me and would snuggle up with me whenever he wanted. He always wanted my attention and affection which I would gladly give and I miss being able to give that to him.

—Therese Guloy


Freddie was my world. He followed me everywhere. He would race upstairs at bedtime & sleep under my bed covers snuggled up next to me. I loved him with all my heart & I miss him so much. Rest in peace my beautiful baby boy ❤️


👀 Click here to see MoMo and Freddie with friends