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RBFT Community

Bella & Rafael Laizer

From left to right : Bella and Rafael Laizer. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 01/16/2021 and 12/12/2019 respectively.

From left to right : Bella and Rafael Laizer. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 01/16/2021 and 12/12/2019 respectively.


Bella was the most beautiful cat inside and out. She loved love. She loved to be held like a baby, gave kisses on command, and watched the squirrels in the yard from her perch. Her fluff and loud purr are so terribly missed.

—Sarah and Jen


Rafi loved EVERYONE and would jump in any pickup or van. I had to run after him and show that he was already someone’s pet. He was HUGE but extremely gentle with the smallest of dogs and pups. To my great Boy, you were the BEST snoring playing gentle love of a dog ever.

—Sherri Goldstein

👀 Click here to see Bella and Rafael Laizer with friends