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RBFT Community

Storm, Pippa, Chip, Nova, Cove, & Mabel

Left to right : Storm, Pippa, Chip, Nova, Cove, and Mabel are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 05/10/2021, 03/17/2021, 06/09/2021, 03/08/2022, 01/25/2022 and 10/08/2021 respectively.


I have always had a heart for the little guys. Small animals have been my favorite since I was small. I found myself rescuing and adopting rats in 2020 and since have helped rescue pregnant rats and raised the babies until I could find them loving homes. At the same time I’ve always had a mischief of my own. These little creatures steal my heart and when they leave they take a piece of me with them. Sometimes they go quietly and other times I have to make hard decisions at the emergency vet late at night. Each one has a unique personality and story and I feel grateful to have known and loved them all.


👀 Click here to see Storm, Pippa, Chip, Nova, Cove, and Mabel with friends