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RBFT Community

Husky, Frosty, & Mia

Left to right : Husky, Frosty, and Mia. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 04/20/2022, 01/15/2022, and 02/08/2022, respectively.


My uncle recently lost his best friend Husky. He had him since he was a kitten 18 years ago. He was missing his back left leg from battling cancer 6 years ago and we called him 3 legged Pete sometimes because of it. He was a serious cuddle bug and would do anything for a bite of your food. In his younger years he was an outdoor kitty that really only showed himself to Uncle Jason. We all miss and love him very much!

—Emma Murphy (on behalf of Jason Murphy)


Dear Frosty,

There isn't a day where I don't miss you. I miss your grumpy noises when you roll over in your bed by the fireplace. I miss the way you look out the front window and wait for me to get home (there are still little stains from your nose). I miss the you galloping around the yard and searching for the sunniest part to sunbathe in. Your cancer came hard and fast and never thought I would be losing you so soon. I always thought you would be the kind of dog that lives till 17 years old. I thought you would meet my children and be the grumpy old dog you were always destined to meet. You gave me so much love in the 9 years we had together and we had a special connection that I will cherish forever. I miss you every day and I can't wait till the day we can be together again.
Love you forever my sweet boy,



I had Mia since I was 6 years old. She was a gray and white tabby domestic short hair cat with green eyes. She had white boots on all her feet. I had her for almost 16 years. She was such a special cat, you’ll never find one like her. Even at 15 she loved catnip and playing, but she also had her grouchy grandma moments.


👀 Click here to see Husky, Frosty, and Mia with friends