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Sake, Mila Banana, & Kitty

From left to right : Sake, Mila Banana, and Kitty. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 08/21/2018, 12/08/2020, and 10/21/2020 respectively.

From left to right : Sake, Mila Banana, and Kitty. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 08/21/2018, 12/08/2020, and 10/21/2020 respectively.


“She was a Japanese bobtail and she drank water with her feet. She would dip her little paw into the water bowl, then lick the little bubble of water in her paw. She would jump from the ground to the top of our curtains in one jump.” —Alanda Escoe


“Mila, You loved to bite me and it was hilarious because you thought your bites were so mighty... yet you were so tiny. You left so suddenly and I wish I could do something to save you. I will forever miss your sassy face with your tiny black beard and mouth wide open, ready to lunge and bite me lol. Sleep well sweet angel.” —Courtney


“When she wasn't devouring her fancy comestibles or dreaming her little cat dreams—her two favorite activities—Kitty was keenly observing the forbidden outdoor world from her queenly perch on a windowsill or the sun-washed edge of the couch, where she would bask for hours.

These are some of the other things she loved: plopping down on her father's chest to doze, vying with the computer for her mother's attention, viciously sinking her dainty little fangs into catnip bananas, chasing the elusive red dot, batting at bottle caps, pawing hopelessly at frogs on the other side of the windowpane, watching the uncatchable winged ones, gazing down at her lesser hoomans from atop her cat tower, gnawing inexplicably on Wheat Thins, and filling her cardboard lair with ill-gotten treasures.

She succeeded in escaping into the wild on several occasions, so we constructed a catio where she could experience the delights of nature but none of its dangers. This is where she spent the last of her golden years. She was a companion in the sincerest sense. She was the sublimest of beings. A million suns. Our soul cat. The purest and truest thing we will ever know is our love for you, Kitty. And on and on it goes forever.” —Lauren and Mike

👀 Click here to see Sake, Mila Banana, and Kitty with friends