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RBFT Community

Heaven, Buffy, Lucky, & Angel

From left to right : Heaven, Buffy, Lucky, and Angel are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 03/19/2018, 05/11/2019, 09/22/2015, and 09/05/2020 respectively.

From left to right : Heaven, Buffy, Lucky, and Angel are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 03/19/2018, 05/11/2019, 09/22/2015, and 09/05/2020 respectively.


“Heaven had some health problems, but had the most positive attitude. She wasn’t afraid of anything and approached dogs and deer alike. She loved giving kisses and was addicted to dry food.

Buffy was a diva. She ruled the house and was used to getting her demands met. She loved treats and drinking from the sink. She let us hold her and carry her in our arms without problems, but she held a grudge when she was left home alone.

Lucky was a little love bug to his humans. He was addicted to frosting and yogurt and loved supervised outdoor visits. When he needed attention he would swat you in the face, first gently and then with his claws out.

Angel didn’t know she was a cat. She was in love with our couch and stared at us until one of us got off, so she could sit on her half. She saw things only she could see and ran from them. She didn’t mind car rides and enjoyed exploring. She loved her daddy very much and came running for cuddles every time he came home.” —Heike

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