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Polly, Smaug, & Mike

From left to right : Polly, Smaug, and Mike (麦克)

From left to right : Polly, Smaug, and Mike (麦克)


“Thank you for choosing me, Polly! I'll always cherish the way you woke me up every morning, I'll always remember how happy you were on our walks, and I'll always love our cuddly evenings together. You were without a doubt the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can't stop missing you. Wish our story could last forever. Love, always.” —Laura


“Smaug was my whole world, I rescued him from someone who was neglecting him 6 years ago. He had many problems such as MBD, but with a lot of care and love he started to get better.

I never thought I could fall in love like I did with a reptile, I saved his life and he saved mine many times, he was the happiest, friendliest dragon you could ever meet. All he wanted was cuddles and worms and he was happy despite his health issues. Many people fell in love with him through his Instagram (smaugthesmileydragon), became famous for his smile and he even got himself in the newspaper. He was the love and light of my life, and now that he's gone my whole world has gone dark and empty. I hope one day we will be reunited again.” —Charlotte



最近心情低落的时候又想起你了,指尖还记得抚摸你时的触感。虽然接你回家的时候我还太小,已然记不清你第一天回家的样子,但我的童年全是你啊,你是我最要好的朋友、最体贴我的家人。一个人在家的时候你在我旁边睡觉,伤心的时候你听我述说,吃饭的时候你也在我身边。我这个人真的不懂得表达感情,原谅我没有每次见你的时候多摸摸你、抱抱你、多跟你说声我爱你。原谅我在你伤心的时候不懂得安慰你,原谅我犯懒没有带你出去遛弯,原谅我在你最后一刻没有在你身边,原谅我在见你最后一面的时候那么仓促。要是有任意门就好了,我就可以跨越大西洋回到你身边,最后一次抱抱你。我现在还是忘不了那时在监控视频里看你的最后一次,那么无助那么孤独,我无数次痛恨自己的无能为力。我讨厌自己,我讨厌那个随着时间流逝渐渐把你忘掉的自己。人的记忆太短暂了,跟你和我在一起的时间相比真是太短暂了。 我想你,成年后的生活太艰难了,好希望你可以在我身边。我爱你,和你在一起的每一天每一秒我都是全世界最幸福的人。



Translation (by Phoebe):

To you who accompanied me throughout my whole childhood,

I am feeling down lately, and I am thinking of you again. My fingertips still remember the feeling when touching you. Even though I was still little when you first joined our family and I don't recall much about your first day home, you were everywhere in my childhood. You were my closest friend and my most caring family member. You slept by me when I was home alone; you listened to me when I was sad; you were right by me when I ate. I am really not good at expressing my feelings. Please forgive me for the times when I didn't take you out for walks because I was lazy. Please forgive me for not being with you during your last moment. Please forgive me for being hasty when we met for the last time. I wish I had an Anywhere Door so that I could cross the Atlantic Ocean and hug you for the last time. I still can't forget seeing you in the surveillance camera footage for the last time. You looked so helpless and lonely. For so many times, I have hated my inability. I hate myself. I hate myself for slowly having started to forget you as time goes by. Human memory is way too short-lasting, especially when compared to the length of time you and I spent together.
I miss you. Life as an adult is hard, and I wish you were here. I love you. I was the happiest person in the world when I was with you every day and every second.
Are we going to meet again sometime in the future? You will still be you, and I will still be me. At that moment I will run towards you, hold you, and never let go. Goodnight. Sweet dreams for both of us.


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