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Paul Anka & Uni

Left to right : Paul Anka and Uni came to Rainbow Bridge on 05/11/2021 and 01/01/2020, respectively.


Paul Anka and I crossed paths as he searched for a second chance at life. I was working my first political campaign after recently graduating from college when I decided to stop by Muttville Senior Dog rescue on my lunch break. While other dogs paid no mind to me or preferred to observe from a comfortable distance, I saw a tiny 7lb teddy bear start to approach. He looked up at me before offering one small lick to my leg, then waited patiently as volunteers helped me find a leash to take him for a brief walk around the block so we could get to know each other a little more. I already knew, however, that there was no chance I was leaving without him that day. From that day on, Paul Anka was by my side in the campaign office every day from dusk til dawn. He won the heart of every voter who passed by, sitting by the window and staring out at the street in his own little world. With him, I found the comfort and strength I needed to get me where I am today.

Estimated to be around 15 (though later thought to be closer to 17 when I adopted him), he lived a simple life. He loved to sleep and would nap so hard that he’d sometimes roll out of his bed without even waking up. Paul Anka, or Planka/Planky as we’d call him, enjoyed coming along with me everywhere I went so long as he could nap as I carried him around in my purse. He was known to wear a different outfit each day — his favorite being his overalls or rubber ducky pajamas. On Election Day, he even greeted voters in a collared shirt and bow tie.

We spent almost three years together before he was called to cross the rainbow bridge after what we are told was closer to 20 years of life. On his last day, he wore the shirt that he first came home in and worked one last campaign videoshoot before going home to change into his Election Day outfit that he’d wear as he prepared for one final nap.

The impact that Paul Anka had in my life and the life of those around him is something that will never be forgotten. After his passing, Paul Anka was awarded with a Certificate of Honor by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors which reads:
“For his role in bringing joy to businesses and residents across the City and County of San Francisco and beyond, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors recognizes the incredible life of Paul Anka. Adopted from the Muttville Senior Dog Rescue in 2018, in his second act of life Paul Anka found himself making fast friends with the residents of District 2, and quickly became an unofficial mascot of Cow Hollow.
Through his charm and dogged determination, Paul Anka proved that old dogs can indeed learn new tricks. In recognition of a long life well lived, the Board of Supervisors adjourns in memory of, and extends its highest posthumous commendations to, Paul Anka.”

Thank you to everyone who loved Paul Anka as much as I did, especially his Mama, Papa, Mimi and Grumpy who were always there to help care for him.



Uni was a fiesty girl, she wasn’t afraid to let others know her boundaries, but with me she was a sweetheart. She would follow me everywhere & every night she would curl up under the blankets with me. She ended up running away and never coming back, I think she may have been ill. I was devastated, she was my everything. She continues to be my phone screen and it would mean so much to have her on the Rainbow Bridge wall as I don’t have any remains of her to visit in this world.


👀 Click here to see Paul Anka and Uni with friends