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PanAn & Bella

From left to right : PanAn and Bella

From left to right : PanAn and Bella


“PanAn is my boy. He is just like a little angel. He always trusted me and loved me deeply. That is enough.” —Linky


“Bella was a very special girl to myself and my parents. My childhood pet, Midgie, passed when I was a sophomore in college. We got Bella a few months later. She was a tiny little Shitzu Maltese, who at her biggest weighed only 8 pounds. She was playful when she wanted to be, and could be so very sweet and loving. She was also a bit skittish around new people.

I think she thought she was much bigger than she was... she’d bark at bigger dogs walking by but then hide behind our legs if those dogs wanted to play. I loved scooping her up and just walking around with her.

We loved finding new toys for her and Christmas time was her very favorite. She had her own stocking and would be like a child on Christmas morning with how excited she’d get. She’d basically be wiggling. She’d look forward to special treats every night. My parents would get her one at 8 PM... and she somehow learned when it was close to treat time. She’d try to get any of us to give her a treat even earlier. If you just made eye contact with her, she’d start wagging her tail and doing her little circle twirls and barking happily at you until you gave in.

My husband and I only live 20 minutes from my parents. During the pandemic, Bella was diagnosed with kidney failure. I’ve been working from home since March and was so thankful to get to spend more time with her. She was my fluffy, perfect baby and I miss her terribly. We just had to put her to sleep yesterday and I’ll never forget her. I’m comforted thinking of her at the Rainbow Bridge with pals, until she and I can meet again.” —Amber

👀 Click here to see PanAn and Bella with friends