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Bobby & Duoduo

From left to right : Bobby and Duoduo

From left to right : Bobby and Duoduo


“Bobby liked to sleep with me. One time I closed my bedroom door for a while and heard Bobby crying outside and scratching the door crack. He was not barking but literally crying with a soft voice. Since then, I would make sure he came in before sleeping at night. He was so smart that he would run to pee pee at his potty spot and return to the room to sleep together with me. When I was a little girl I would sometimes sleep on the floor during hot summers. Bobby would even sleep with me on the same pillow!” —Evelyn


“I didn’t get to see him when Duoduo passed away, since I was in a different country. However, I dreamed about him a month ago before he passed away that he came to see me. Coincidentally, we met in a bridge and only I could see him. I told him that I really missed him, then he wiggled his tail at me. Although I really regretted that I couldn’t be there and say goodbye to him when he passed away. I guess in a way, he already visited me and sent his farewell.” —Thea

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