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RBFT Community

Jubilee & Yuki

Left to right : Jubilee and Yuki are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 11/07/2023 and 04/20/2021, respectively.


Jubilee and Yuki met when their fathers, Tricio and Alf, first started dating. It was a coincidence that they were the same exact breed and color, which was a sign that they would all form a beautiful family. At first they did not get along, but over time they became siblings that slept, ate, and played together.

Yuki was the first to cross the rainbow bridge on 04/20/2021, and Jubilee reunited with him on 11/07/2023.

—Nicolas on behalf of Tricio and Alf

👀 Click here to see Jubilee and Yuki with friends