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RBFT Community

Hunter & Bindi

Left to right : Hunter and Bindi came to Rainbow Bridge on 07/03/2023 and 09/11/2023, respectively.


Hunter came into our lives after a traumatic home incident. He was our protector and loving friend. His first dog friend was Bindi, our Chihuahua whom he quickly outgrew in weeks. Hunter was gently to kids and babies - and watched over Jace and Madden as they grew. Hunter loved to play with sticks and run around and eat snow. He loved life and the humans he protected. Hunter and Bindi last saw each other earth side before we left to California, and he stayed in Massachusetts. I hope he has greeted her with warm gentle hugs at the Rainbow Bridge.

—Tammy on behalf of Leah


My sweet Bindi girl was my sidekick for the entirety of her life and half of mine. She licked away every tear and jumped for joy by my ankles in the happy times. She was with me when I met and fell in love with Gil. She was the foundation of our love and family. Bindi was loved greatly by family and friends. She loved each person she met. Bindi loved chicken in every form as well as the occasional vanilla cone. She was soft and gentle, a small precious gift from above - always to be found cuddled next to Mama. I am so blessed to receive the love she offered, I will keep it close in my heart forever til we meet again.

—Tammy and Gil

👀 Click here to see Hunter and Bindi with friends