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Jordi Giron, Puzzle, & Oreo

Left to right : Jordi Giron, Puzzle, and Oreo. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 03/23/2023, 05/07/2023, and 04/19/2023, respectively.


Oh my God. There's so many memories with my buddy. He was 3 months old hiding on an cardboard box, going to work with me. He used to love car rides and going to the doggy park and beaches. I miss him so much there's no day I am not thinking about him. It's hard not having him after 14 years of happiness.



Dear Puzzle, thank you for all of the 14 beautiful years you’ve provided me. You were, and always will be, the brightest star in my sky. I’ve had you in my life since I was 9 years old, my father getting you for my 10th birthday was the greatest gift anyone has ever given. I’m turning 24 soon and it feels so sad to not have you with me. You are still always in my heart. Thank you.

—Mitchie and Lacy


Oreo was such a special boy. He had a big, unique personality. He loved fresh water from the faucet and jumping up high. He was quite chatty and had some particular meows. He wasn’t much of a cuddle cat, unless I was asleep. Many nights he would come up beside me and meow quietly, almost like a whisper, then flop over next to me and cuddle. He always woke me up with a meow and purrs in the morning and he greeted me as soon as I came home from work. He was the sweetest, most special boy and I miss him dearly. I love you, buddy. Mama misses you ❤️


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