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Freddy, Luna, Mr. Hop Hop, & Dog

Left to right : Freddy, Luna, Mr. Hop Hop, and Dog. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 03/18/2023, 04/09/2023, 12/03/2016, and 03/24/2023, respectively.


Kayla had two kittens. Freddy was found under the porch step more than 15 years ago with his sister Sophie still in my care. My father lifted the board and boy were we surprised and excited to see them there. Kayla would expect Sophie to stay safe and under the deck and yet Freddy would be so curious wandering off all the time. Whenever he had to visit the vet, all the girls would swoon over how handsome he was and more girls would come out. It was something you could predict before going in. My favorite memory was when I was walking through the house and found a live snail on the wall. What on earth is going on? Freddy brought the snail in and must have left it. Freddy also liked to communicate a lot about everything. Freddy always felt like a happy song.

—Patricia Prorok


I rescue ratties and it’s become a ritual of mine to send a picture of them here when they pass. It feels so comforting to see all my rats playing together across the rainbow bridge.

Luna was the 3rd rat I ever had and she was 3 years old when she passed. She came to me very pregnant and had a huge litter of 15 beans! Watching her be the best rat mama and then grow to be such a sweet old lady was such a privilege. I know she’s smiling up there and reunited with her daughter Nova.



Mr. Hop Hop was my first bunny. He slept at the end of my bed and if I slept too late he would hop up and start licking my face to wake me. He was such a funny character and very curious. He loved to nibble on my books and sweatshirts, so I had to learn to be very tidy. I cherish the memories of him.



You were never like the other birds. You chose humans over your friends. You yearn for snuggles and your favourite chin rubs. Always hanging upside down at the side of your cage, watching our every move. When I danced, you danced; and when I sang you screamed! When I was down and poured my feelings to you, to my surprise, you looked at me and listened. You are kind, gentle and smart! I will miss your gentle nibbles and your voracious attacks. I said it then and I will say it forever - YOU ARE A DOG IN A BIRDIE BODY! Thank you for being my friend, my baby and my first pet!


👀 Click here to see Freddy, Luna, Mr. Hop Hop, & Dog with friends