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Billy, Leo, & Hamilton

From left to right : Billy, Leo, and Hamilton. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 05/04/2021, 05/06/2021, 04/12/2021 respectively.

From left to right : Billy, Leo, and Hamilton. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 05/04/2021, 05/06/2021, 04/12/2021 respectively.


Billy was the greatest bulldog friend/brother ever. He unconditionally loved every single human he came across and made me feel very special every single day.

—Tommy, Paul, Mommy, Daddy


This is my sweet Leo. He truly was so unique and had the biggest personality. I miss him a lot, but hope he is safe and at peace chasing laser pointers and getting endless neck scratches. 👼❤️



Today is your 8th birthday. We probably would have made you share it with your brother. We would have ordered you another cake from the bakery and got you a couple new toys. You probably would have shook around the toys for a few seconds then ignored them for the treats. Your grandparents probably would have gotten you some treats that would give you soft serve poops for a while. Great grandma would have made you some chicken boob. It’s kind of yucky outside so we probably would have stayed home and watched TV, maybe given you some leftovers that we normally wouldn’t have. We would have given you so many hugs and kisses and ear scritches, probably went on an extra long family walk together because your dad has the day off. We would have let you indulge in some extra sniffing and you probably would have found a snack along the way.

Instead, I hope you’re hanging out with your new friends at the rainbow bridge. Maybe you’ve found Evie, or even Lucy! I know you weren’t super into other dogs though, so maybe you’ve found some other humans to love on you today. I’m imagining you leaning on them like you did on us in the elevator, looking up at them with your big brown eyes and inquisitive eyebrows. They’d give you all the scritches and treats.

Today your dad and I will go to dog beach with some hot drinks and think of you, and talk about all the good memories you gave us. We told grandmas and grandpas that it’s your birthday, so they’re thinking about you too. We all miss you and love you so much.

—Cherry & Einar

👀 Click here to see Billy, Leo, and Hamilton with friends