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RBFT Community

Toby & Bear Bear

From left to right : Toby and Bear Bear. They are from the same family.

From left to right : Toby and Bear Bear. They are from the same family.


“My sweet Toby, how do I live without you? For almost 15 years you were my family. You showed me what unconditional love meant and you gave my life a purpose. I am so sorry I couldn't protect you. I am so sorry that Kidney Disease cheated us out of your senior years. I blame myself for losing you. I will miss you for the rest of my life. I will love you for always. I hope Bear Bear met you at the bridge and he cleaned your eye boogies like he used to do. Love, Mama

Bear Bear Kitty Kitty,
You were so young when you earned your wings. I really wish I knew what happened and why you got so sick. I wanted you to come home for Christmas but the vet said it was unfair to you. I know you were my little scaredy cat but you always loved me and Toby dog. I hope that you found our boy at the Rainbow Bridge and you two are snuggling together. You are missed and loved so much. Love, Mama” —Katie

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