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Talli, Dizzy "Butt Butt", & Meeko

From left to right : Talli, Dizzy "Butt Butt", and Meeko. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 09/10/2021, in September 2021, and on 09/12/2021 respectively.


Dear Talli,

The world feels a little colder without you in it. You were a ray of pure sunshine. Throughout your 13.5 years on this earth there was not a single day that you sulked or moped. You lived every single day as though it were a new gift, a new challenge - savoring every walk as though it were your first, giving every cuddle as though it were your last.
I know I am not alone in missing you desperately - your energy touched the core of so many.
I will love you always, and I am so eternally thankful you shared your life with me. You were & always will be, the very best dog in the world❤️

—Lisa Bucher


My Dizzy, my baby boy, the only giver of true unconditional love I have ever had. I miss him so very much. He was always happy to see me no matter my day and found a way to drool in my mouth... What gross, but it made me smile. He was only 10 pounds but protected me like he was 100. From the moment we found each other when he was itty bitty until he had to go 16 amazing years later, we were inseparable. He was my baby boy, my confidant, my rock. The one thing in this world that never wavered and that I could count on to be by my side no matter what. I believe he still is by my side. I can hear him at night, feel him next to me. And sometimes I catch a glimpse of him running to catch me before I go in my room. I carry him with me in a necklace that is always close to my heart. I love you Butt Butt.

—Michelle Music


My Dear Meeko,

Words can’t express how much we miss you. Every time I see cheese all I think about is you because of how much you loved cheese. Thank you for 12 wonderful years :( Never thought it’ll hurt this much. We think of you every day and we thank god for allowing us to have you in our lives. You made us so happy. We will never forget you, you were the best pet anyone can ever ask for! We were blessed to have you. We love you so much Meeko.


👀 Click here to see Talli, Dizzy "Butt Butt", and Meeko with friends