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RBFT Community

Scooter & Sabrina

From left to right : Scooter and Sabrina are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 12/04/2019 and 10/15/2020 respectively.

From left to right : Scooter and Sabrina are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 12/04/2019 and 10/15/2020 respectively.


Sabrina wasn't a fan of other cats. She wanted my attention for herself. One day, when she was about 12yrs, we adopted a tiny orange kitten and named him Scooter. From day one they were inseparable. She took him in as her baby and taught him the ropes of spoiled kitty life. That tiny kitten turned out to be part Mainecoon and grew to be double, almost triple, Sabrina's size. They were often found wrapped up together in a loving tangled kitty mess. I will never forget the love they had for each other and the love they had for my wife and I. I know they are together again and that will always bring a smile to my face.

—Aurora Wingstrom

👀 Click here to see Scooter and Sabrina with friends