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RBFT Community

Sadie & Mac

Left to right : Sadie and Mac are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 07/21/2018 and 02/06/2020, respectively.


Mac was my life. He was with me for 15 years, through trauma and heartbreak since I was 7 years old and he came into my life as a puppy. He was my one and only stable support growing up. I will forever be grateful for all that he did. He would even try to protect me from the sound of rain on the roof. I love you Mac, thank you for everything.

Sadie was my husband’s first dog. She only lived two years, but she was so loved. She had so much energy and was the life of the party. She gave my husband a new found appreciation for the love and connection you can have with an animal. She will always be remembered.

—Katie and Robert

👀 Click here to see Sadie and Mac with friends