Smiling Pet Angels

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Rigley, Buddy, & Charles

From left to right : Rigley, Buddy, and Charles are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge in 2014, 2016, and 2007 respectively.


Charles was a true gentleman. He would ask permission to jump up onto my bed. He was a big dog, but curled up into the smallest ball and always slept at the end of my bed. He was my favorite dog in the whole world and I still miss him 14 years later.

Rigley was a queen who LOVED everybody! She particularly loved humans over other dogs, but was such a sweet girl and tolerated her 2 other siblings at the time. Rigley enjoyed walks and greeting her humans excitedly every time they came home, even if they had only been gone for an hour or so.

Buddy was a true troublemaker when he was younger. He loved to digs holes and periodically escaped the yard to go visit his girlfriend Princess who lived across the street. He lived a very happy life and loved to open gifts during the holidays.


👀 Click here to see Rigley, Buddy, and Charles with friends