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Minnie & Mickey

From left to right : Minnie and Mickey are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 04/15/2021 and 07/30/2021 respectively.


Minnie was 18 years old when she passed. I found her as a kitten in font of our house chasing lighting bugs. She was a very sweet girl and a good companion. Minnie loved to curl up in your lap and take a nap. Minnie was put to sleep due to end stages of kidney disease. She is truly missed.

Mickey came to us on Christmas Eve of 2005. He was about 4 months old. He was crying at the door. My husband let him in and he was with us until he crossed over the bridge on July 30, 2021. Mickey was the sweetest cat ever. He just loved being close to his humans. My husband and I used to hold conversations with Mickey. He would actually answer back with a funny little meow. We noticed the Mickey was getting sick right after his sister Minnie passed away in April of 2021. We took Mickey to the vet and discovered he had cancer. We finally, put him to sleep July 30, 2021. That was so hard. I didn't believe I would cry so hard for losing a cat. I finally realized I had just lost both of my babies.

—Felicia Griffin

👀 Click here to see Minnie and Mickey with friends