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Ricky Roo & Daisy May

From left to right : Ricky Roo and Daisy May are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 10/15/2021 and 10/06/2020 respectively.


Ricky and Daisy were bestie. Daisy's was my shadow in the kitchen. She never left my side and watched every move and was always willing to clean up a mess or try a sample.

Ricky was a gentle soul. Although he was a big boy at 55 pounds he loved sleeping close as he could to his humans. He loved helping out whenever he could. He carry the groceries bags and mail inside. He'd dig out weeds in the garden and carry sticks to the yard waste. He was my special boy, my rock, for 13 years. To say I'm heartbroken would be an understatement. πŸ’”

β€”Mona Zopfi

πŸ‘€ Click here to see Ricky Roo and Daisy May with friends