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Marble, Cream “Wu” Terrell, & Clio Sugarheart

Left to right : Marble, Cream “Wu” Terrell, and Clio Sugarheart. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 12/10/2022, 01/04/2023, and 01/13/2023, respectively.


Marble was a beautiful…Diva, she loved to be next to us at all times (but only touched on her terms) lol. We miss her so much! ❤️

—Denise, Dez, Lexie and Kyra


I got Cream when she was 4 weeks old. She fit in the palm of my hand. Cream was so smart, when I would leave for work I would tell her to be my ‘top flight security’ and watch over Ma. She guarded her. I’m a diabetic and Cream would wake me up during the night when my blood sugar drops. She loved going on car rides with me and meeting people while out. Everyone instantly fell in love with her. We were so excited to see each other and when I came home. Cream knew I couldn’t go to sleep without feeling her laying next to me, so she would lay there until I was asleep and then wait until everyone else was in the house and would come back to bed. She died suddenly yesterday after having tummy issues during the day. I think she knew, she said her goodbyes to everyone and connected with my new cat, who since Cream has left my cat Belladonna has been mimicking Cream ways. Even now Cream is watching over me. I miss Cream touch and I miss her morning puppy kisses. I’m not ready to let her go.

—La-uana Terrell


Clio was a close companion who never left our sides. She was with me my entire adult life, almost 20 years. I chose her when she was one week old. When my husband and kids came along she captured their hearts too, more than anyone could imagine. We love her so dearly. She loved drinking from the faucet, leftover cereal milk, yogurt, sunshine and getting pet by her family. She will never be forgotten and missed every day.

—Eve, Mila, Chris and James

👀 Click here to see Marble, Cream “Wu” Terrell, and Clio Sugarheart with friends