Smiling Pet Angels

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Jojo, Leaf, & Dopey Yiu

From left to right : Jojo, Leaf, and Dopey Yiu


“Jojo was a rescue, found by someone on the street in the rain. We were told that he was being given away since the one who found him couldn’t take him. He was the best, even tho he was a biter we all accepted him. It took a while for him to trust us but we made sure that he wouldn’t feel like he will be abandoned again. We gave him the best we can, love him the best we could, and made him apart of our family. To us he was without a doubt the best dog we can ask for.” —Lazaro Contreras


“Leaf was the strangest gecko I ever knew. He would always lock everything and he would jump onto anything! He would make me laugh every day. I’ll never forget you <3” —Sophia


“Dopey is a smart boy and he loves to be petted and hugged. Although he left us more than five years, Mami, Symba and Jipsee still miss him a lot. I believe Dopey is playing seek and hide game with his friends and there is no pain in Rainbow Bridge. Mami believe that we will meet on day.” —Betsy

👀 Click here to see Jojo, Leaf, and Dopey Yiu with friends