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Derby Suckerpunch & Stella Honeypunch

From left to right : Derby Suckerpunch and Stella Honeypunch. They are from the same family.

From left to right : Derby Suckerpunch and Stella Honeypunch. They are from the same family.


“Derby Suckerpunch, You were wildest sweetest, White deaf Boxer girl ever. I remember trying to rescue you for months and they almost let you go because you were deaf and they didn’t think anyone could care for you. I insisted I could give you a good life and they still didn’t want to let you go. I visited you as much as possible to let you know I wasn’t giving up and you were getting a second chance. When the day came that they decided to make you adoptable, they had the nerve to say someone else was now interested. I was mad. I went down there and let them know how upsetting that was to me. I worked at the vet and knew my home was the right home for you and I had lots of experience with rescue Boxers and white dogs. I had just lost my other white Boxer girl to cancer after 13 yrs. and you magically appeared. You were very shy and looked like the saddest dog ever. I remember how you destroyed my house a couple times freaking out trying to find a way out while I was at work. You scared my other dogs. It took 3 patient years before you were comfortable being free in the house. After that, you were the best dog ever. Never made a peep, still very alert and goofy and so soft and cuddly. You were a beautiful girl. You stole the heart of everyone who met you. I could take you anywhere. You were also a bit of a Queen and let the other dogs know when their rough housing was getting on your nerves. You stood up quick and gave a stomp and a roar that surprised all of us including yourself. When I came through the door I was always greeted with your cute little hula butt wiggle and your big happy eyes. I miss those things and everything about you. Like Stella you also loved to dance and were a great dancing partner. When you left us last year it was very hard. You and Stella were my everything for 13.5 yrs. Nothing would ever come before my fur babies. To celebrate and honor you, we made a mini float of you and you were the first dog to be celebrated in our town’s Dia De los muertos procession. Everyone loved it and it made me feel good to show everyone how much we love you. You will always be with me. You became my Derby when I realized I had to quit Roller Derby due to my health and used my time to focus on getting you trained to be the best Derby girl ever. I hope in your new life over the Rainbow bridge, you can hear, and are being unconditionally loved by all.

Stella Honeypunch, my bossy little Boston, you were my protector and afraid of nothing, You were the leader of the pack. I remember your old owner bringing you to me on a Harley and the first time you saw mine you hopped right up on the seat. My heart melted. You always made me smile, laugh, and kept me on my toes on days when I was feeling down. When the other dogs would get out of hand, you’d be sure to yell at them and put them in check. When I’d put music on, there you were ready to dance with me. You were my shadow. I’ll never forget the times my heart panic’d because I thought you were missing. You followed me ever so close and quiet that you got trapped in the closet more than once. I thought maybe you’d gone outside and hopped the fence. I looked all over for you and you didn’t make a peep. I went into the bathroom closet, and there you were sitting quietly in the dark. My poor baby girl. I was so glad to have found you. I could imagine how freaked out I would of been if you really were gone. I would of been worried sick. Now you’ve left me and miss you so much. I hope you’re enjoying life over the Rainbow bridge and I hope to see you again someday. Forever loving you🐾♥️ “ —Angela Quintana

👀 Click here to see Derby Suckerpunch and Stella Honeypunch with friends