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RBFT Community

Hera, Pepper, Triskit, Nyxie, Chip, Chichi, & Cheese

Left to right, top to bottom : Hera, Pepper, Triskit, Nyxie, Chip, Chichi, and Cheese are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge between 2016 and 2022.


Triskit and cheese were my first ever rats. Cheese was hairless but when I went into the pet shop he followed me from one end of his enclosure to the other. He gave me rat kisses as soon as I picked him up and I knew I had to take him home. Triskit lived for 3 or 4 years and was good company to me when I had to move around. Hera and Nyx were such sweet girls. Nyxie couldn't see very well and had always been skittish but by the end of her life she wanted nothing more than to sit beside me and soak up some pets.
I didn't have pepper for very long she was old and sick when I got her but I spoiled her and she was so receptive of all the snacks and cuddles. Chip is my last rat, I have loved them all so much but my heart aches when it is time for them to leave me.
Chip is getting older and is in her later days, I have been sure to spoil her with lots of eggs, and this week I even baked her her own tiny loaf of bread. I am so grateful for all the joy these tiny little creatures have brought me.


👀 Click here to see Hera, Pepper, Triskit, Nyxie, Chip, Chichi, and Cheese with friends