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Happy & Bandit

Left to right : Happy and Bandit came to Rainbow Bridge on 11/15/2021 and 7/9/2019, respectively.


Happy Baby,

Today 8th March, you should be celebrating your 13th birthday, alas you have joined all your uncles & aunties at the rainbow bridge while we were packing to move. Although we always know the time will come where you will be too weary.. but no time is ever the right time. You passed in daddy's arms at home with dignity after saying goodbye to your human brother over video call, we told you it's okay, go and play with the rest of the gang, we will stay "happy" as your name, until we meet again. You will always be our hero, you fought hard for many years, now that you have gained your wings and halo with our entire chihuahuas clan, you must be healthy, happy and running around, and biting your uncles, playing with your "why so serious" aunties.
Look over us once in a while, eat lots from the buffet and when it is our time, we shall see you at the bridge waggling your tail with your uncles & aunties.
Until then, we love you furever.
It is really not a home without chihuahuas.

—Lisa, KC & Gem Sung


Bandit was an angel on earth. He was a golden retriever, his fur was always golden blonde (and faded into a white color toward the end of his life.) He was a protector for me and my brother, he walked ahead of us when we ventured off through the neighborhood. He was so fast as a young dog, he would race cars down the street for fun (and win sometimes). He loved frisbees and golf balls and chewing on rocks that were wayyy too big for his mouth. He had a literal mane of wavy blonde locks around his neck. He lost a leg in an accident when he was about 8 years old and became our tripod dog. He was so resilient, re-taught himself how to dig and run and play. I am so thankful I had Bandit growing up. I will always miss seeing his goofy smile waiting for me to get off the bus, and his fake crying when I stop petting him and his warm fuzzy hugs.

—Noah, Taylor, Sarah & Scotty

👀 Click here to see Happy and Bandit with friends