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Gaizka & Gabe

Left to right : Gaizka and Gabe came to Rainbow Bridge on 01/09/2024 and 11/14/2023, respectively.


He was an innocent and loving dog. We adopted him almost two years ago, and he was approximately 5 years old, unfortunately he got a rare disease since past July and the three of us have been together all along in this journey, with all the love and all the attention he deserved.

He marked our lives being a great teacher and we will never be the same after having the honor of meeting him and living in this world with him.

The resilience and joy he had every day, even though he was not feeling well, even though we were going to the vet, it was just admirable and marked every step we took.

He was always a baby, so innocent, playful and capricious and I’d been glad to do it all over again just to stay a little longer with him.

We love you so so much, and miss you. Mi bebé precioso y hermoso, chiquito.

—Fer & Santi


Gabe was my angel and that’s what he was named after. He saved my life. I called him my gabby baby. I got him when I was 12, and when we went to go get him, all the dogs where sleeping. We met him one time before, but this time he was sleeping when we got in the house to get him. He woke up and ran in my arms.

He had a little onesie during my first Christmas. It was so cut, barely fit on him—he was so fat as a baby. We learned that he loved babies and small animals—not flies though. He looked like a badass trying to get flies. it was always so cute.

I loved him so much. In his whole life he helped even to the end. He was not doing good, he had brain cancer. We didn't know till he died. They gave him med that basically made it spread. He wasn't doing good and on 11/13/2023 we called the vet after he wouldn't eat or drink to put him down. That day he couldn't go up our stairs. I knew it was time. My mom and every one else did before me. The night he walked up the stairs to my room and knocked on my door with his nose. I knew it was him. I let him come in and made him a little bed. He cried all night and I felt so bad. An hour before his time at the vet, he laid in my lap and I was holding him saying thank you for all he did and how he was a good boy. And I said it your time and gave him a kiss and I got up and he made a sound. And I ran back to him and he was gone. I cried so hard and screamed for my mom. We put him in the car to take him to the vet. I kept petting him that whole time and thanked him and was there for my baby. To Gabe, you helped me so much and I'm so thankful for you. You were my baby still are. forever my gabby baby you will be my first tat on august 7th I love you baby so much thank you.

—lillyanna kaswinkel

👀 Click here to see Gaizka and Gabe with friends