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Freddy & Lhamo

Left to right : Freddy and Lhamo came to Rainbow Bridge on 06/07/2022 and 10/10/2012, respectively. They had known each other through their humans.


In honour of my best friend, Freddy.

Freddy was diagnosed at the age of 10 with chronic kidney disease about 3 years and a half ago. At this moment, our previous vet had prepared us to say goodbye in the following weeks/ months to him. Turns out that, following the implementation of special care for him, my boy defied all statistics and left vets and specialist confused but also very impressed. We were extremely blessed to have him with us for all this time. Freddy was a fighter for sure.

Freddy changed me forever. I got him when I was recovering from PTSD. Meanwhile, he was abandoned at the shelter and stayed there for several months. When our paths crossed it was the beginning of a very touching story. Our story was about resilience, trust, patience and devotion. He saved me from trying to end my life when the trauma was too much to handle. I could never repay him. Freddy was the love of my life, my soulmate, my best friend, my light, my shadow, my everything… He will forever live through me. I consider myself extremely lucky to have had the chance to be his momma.

He left a massive hole in my life as we were the best team but my heart is at peace knowing that I gave him my everything, my absolute best, just like he did. He gained his wings with dignity. He was ready and we both know it. He was very tired at the end.

On June 7th 2022, with the help of our vet, my best friend transitioned peacefully in my arms in the comfort of our home.

Freddy was a one of a kind cat. He fought like a champ. I couldn’t be more proud of him.

My love, go rest easy now.
Momma loves you endlessly.



Lhamo means angel in Tibetan - and when we first got him, we were surprised he was a him! We all thought he was a she. We nicknamed him ‘Bunny’ because of his love of jumping up onto high counters.


👀 Click here to see Freddy and Lhamo with friends