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RBFT Community

EM, Camilla, & Zoey

Left to right : EM, Camilla, and Zoey. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 07/26/2021, 02/16/2022, and 01/22/2022, respectively.


Em was my pitbunny. She loved carrots, car rides and getting baths. Most of all she loved all her bunny siblings. She loved rolling in the grass and snorted like a pig. I miss my babygirl more than anything. She was my 3 legged angel, gone too soon.



This morning our best friend Camilla left our sides, she is now free to go and play with the other beautiful animals in heaven. We will never ever forget this special little girl that has been a fighter and survivor all of her life, she never asked for anything other than love which she gave back to us tenfold and unconditionally.
From the moment we saw Camilla we knew we wanted you as our little girl, there was never a doubt. When we brought you home, you changed our lives in unimaginable ways. Since the very beginning you brought us love, fun, laughter, an ever urging feeling to come home right after work just to see you and be with you. She was never a great walker, in fact she hated going for walks to the point we had to drag you a little, but your stubbornness was so cute, we could never be mad at you.
Camilla, you will be forever missed and loved by everyone that has met you. Rest in peace our beloved Camilla and may we meet again in heaven some day. 06/04/2005 - 02/16/2022. We love you little girl, your dads and sisters Ruby and April.

—Mike and Francisco Adams


My pet was my person, my companion. She went everywhere with me including the movies.


👀 Click here to see EM, Camilla, and Zoey with friends