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Coconut & Bubbles

Left to right : Coconut and Bubbles are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 05/11/2022 and 01/12/2022, respectively.


Bubbles was the first betta I ever had and I rescued him after his owner was unable to provide proper care for him. He had been kept in poor conditions in his previous home. We shared 6 sweet months together before his health sadly declined and he passed away.

Coconut was a rescue betta who I found floating on his side in a cup at the pet store. He was being kept in highly toxic water with an ammonia level of 8ppm. Even just 2ppm can be deadly for fish. I didn’t think he would survive more than a few days, but he kept fighting. He was kept in a heated and filtered tank and was hand-fed his favorite foods. Sadly, 3 months later, he passed away. I was absolutely heartbroken that he had been neglected for so much of his life through the breeding process and his time at the pet store, and I am grateful that I got to care for him on his journey.


👀 Click here to see Coconut and Bubbles with friends