Smiling Pet Angels

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Chloe & Muss

Left to right : Chloe and Muss are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 11/22/2021 and 06/18/2016, respectively.


Chloe made the world brighter just by being here. She loved fully and charmed everyone she met. She was gentle and soft. She loved food and was a keen food thief if given the opportunity. She made me so happy because at her core she was joy personified. Her life was full of contentment, calm and non wavering love and I am so blessed that she chose me to spend it with.

Muss was our first dog. He was full of character. He loved to play with his toys and bark at birds. He taught us what it meant to have a dog and he changed our lives. He was loyal and loving and we miss him.


👀 Click here to see Chloe and Muss with friends