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Buttercup & Lollipop

From left to right : Buttercup and Lollipop

From left to right : Buttercup and Lollipop


“Buttercup was full of sunshine! They loved baths and cuddling and would make friends with anyone they could.” —Blue



My baby, why did you go? We always talked about this, you were supposed to leave after me because life is just to hard without you. I miss you so much. I miss you stealing my hot cheetos, I miss you grooming my hair, I miss your enthusiastic hellos as soon as i walked through the door, I miss our nature walks and our crazy time when we lived in our car. I am so sorry i was not the mom you deserved. I am so sorry I was not there when you passed away. I can't change the past but I will always regret not being able to hold you as you left. Lollipop thank you so much for being so sweet and for being with me through so much darkness. Thank you for holding my hand through all my recovery. Thank you for being my only consistency. Thank you for your defying purrs. Thank you for all of your I Love Yous. Thank your for putting up with me and my craziness. Thank you for leaving so much fur i still find bits here and there even though I have moved twice since your death. Lollipop I am sorry I was not who you deserve, you would be so proud of the person I am becoming. I know you would. I love you baby. Please be nice to everyone, I hope you find some racoon friends you can be weird with. I love you amor, mi princess. Take care cosita bella.

Love Always,

Your Mommy”


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