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Boo, Larrie, & Tiki

From left to right : Boo, Larrie, and Tiki. They came to Rainbow Bridge in May 2020, on 06/20/2020, and 08/10/2019 respectively.

From left to right : Boo, Larrie, and Tiki. They came to Rainbow Bridge in May 2020, on 06/20/2020, and 08/10/2019 respectively.


— Joel


“She was my first guinea pig and a little sweet girl who always liked to squeak when she heard me coming to her cage. The nicest and most cuddly friend you can ask for.“ —Elber


“I rescued Tiki (or rather she rescued me) in June of 2005 in Gulfport, MS. A friend of mine who was a groomer knew I was looking for a dog. A man came in and brought Tiki, who was then Pony Girl, to my friend and said, find her a home or I am having her euthanized. The man and his wife were having a baby and no longer wanted 11 month old Tiki. She was a 6.5 pound, pekingese/pomeranian mix. My friend, Jo, came to my work and asked if I could take a break. I went outside with her and in her truck was the cutest little dog I had ever seen. Jo told me what happened and I had her take this little fluff to my house. When I got home a couple hours later I spent my evening with her trying to figure out a name. After a couple hours, I thought of Tiki and it just fit. She responded to it also, so I knew it was meant to be.

In late August of the same year Hurricane Katrina hit. I stayed with a friend of a friend for a few days. I got word that my house was gone and started the drive to Washington, my home state. Tiki laid on the passenger seat for the 3 day drive. She rested on pillows and blankets. I would stop and fill up the gas tank and take her for a walk and share whatever I ate with her. We spent nights together in crappy motels.

I had Tiki for 14 years before she passed. I had many relationships in that time. To date, Tiki was my longest. She was my best friend and my ride or die.

Tiki was born with one of her back knee caps turned around backwards. The vet said she didn't need it amputated as it was not hurting her. She hiked with me and camped with me. I never went on an adventure without her! When she got tired of hiking, I would put her in my backpack and let her ride.

Luckily my now husband got to meet her. They also formed a bond. She was a special little dog. I always had her in a dress and everywhere we went people would fawn over her and ask if they could take pictures of her. I miss her absolutely every single day. Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of her. She meant more to me, than I believe anyone else ever will. She was there for some of my darkest times. She loved me unconditionally and I loved her right back. There will never be another ‘Tiki bean’ ‘Tiki torch’ ‘Tiki hut’.” —Cindy Tovson

👀 Click here to see Boo, Larrie, and Tiki with friends