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RBFT Community

Beluga, Shadow, Panda, & Moon

From left to right, top to bottom : Beluga, Shadow, Panda, and Moon are from the same family. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 08/10/2023, 07/05/2022, 02/28/2023, and 02/13/2023 respectively.


Shadow was a black rat, he always got into mischief and trouble. He was the best entertainment. At the same time he was the sweetest momma’s boy who loved getting pampered and spoiled.

Moon had the ultimate evil eye and always looked like he was absolutely livid no matter what he was doing. He loved naps, treats, cuddles and kisses. He adored sitting outside in the hammock with mom and his brothers.

Panda was the ultimate sweetheart , he loved all humans especially his mom. He would nap on the bed and cuddle right by mom’s feet. He loved jumping on the bed in the middle of the night in attempt to steal snacks from the night stand. He loved exploring anything new that was happening.

Beluga was the laziest boy to ever exist. His favourite past time was sleeping in mom's robe or finding a cozy place to nap around the room. His next favourite was treats—he lived to get snacks.


👀 Click here to see Beluga, Shadow, Panda, and Moon with friends