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Belle & Artemis

Left to right : Belle and Artemis. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 12/30/2021 and 01/19/2022, respectively.


I miss you so much already, Biggles. I’m sorry I couldn’t have saved you—and I wish you could’ve lived forever. Your brothers are going to miss you, but Daddy and I will miss you the most. You were my first “baby”, and there will always be a Belle-shaped hole in my heart. Have fun in Heaven my sweet girl. I love you. ❤️💕

—Devin Suggs


Artemis was my best friend, an absolutely stunning all white Khao Manee cat with gorgeous yellow eyes. I thought he was a girl at first, trying to put dresses on him that he clearly hated and looked at me as if to tell me so.. and I remember finding out he was a boy and naming him his name. He followed me everywhere I went. I have never had a pet that loved me as much as him. There isn’t one place I could go (besides outside or the house) where he wasn’t right by my side. He was like a little puppy, so loving, loyal, and playful. He would come right when I called him. And even though I’m a restless sleeper and kick a lot, he never got mad at me, and would just keep finding another spot on the bed if I kicked him. He was patient, and never fussed or begged even when he was hungry. My favorite thing he used to do was getting my attention by resting his paw on my leg, making me look at him and he would make eye contact with me while meowing a very long meow which always meant his litter box needed to be tended to so he could go to the potty and not pee pee or poo somewhere he isn’t supposed to. He was such an angel, and so beloved by my husband and I. I miss you so much my baby, I wish we had more time. Until we meet again, I love you forever.


👀 Click here to see Belle and Artemis with friends