Smiling Pet Angels

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Basil, Luna, & Remi

Left to right : Basil, Luna, and Remi. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 06/23/2022, 07/03/2017, and 06/10/2022, respectively.


Basil was such a sweet and talkative boy. He loved laying on the balcony and watching the world go by, eating EVERYTHING he could get his teeth into and cuddling close. He had the most fluffy tail. We miss hearing him talk to us every morning.

—Kevin, Amelia, and Abigail


My dog Luna was my childhood dog. She was with me through my mom passing away when I was 17, my dad getting cancer at 19, and an abusive relationship. She was a cattle dog and loved to "herd" my dad and his friend's motorcycles whenever they came over. She loved my boyfriend (now husband) very much. She had eczema and loved to dance on anyone that passed her to ask for butt scratches. She is very missed.



Remi was the first mouse I ever had. He was the sweetest thing and loved nothing more than his brother, sister, and girlfriend. He spent his days running on the wheel and cuddling with his siblings. I sure miss the lil guy :-(


👀 Click here to see Basil, Luna, and Remi with friends