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Ampon, Bea, & Magpie

Left to right : Ampon, Bea, and Magpie. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 02/19/2024, 02/27/2024, and 02/06/2024, respectively


Ampon was the most cuddly dog I’ve ever met, even on the day I first met him. Ampon means adopted in Tagalog, he was named this because we weren’t his first owners, someone abandoned him at my ex boyfriend’s work and they were going to bring him to SPCA. I was going to bring him with my ex but this dog was smiling and always licking me, I think I needed someone to love me and he needed someone to love. He loved napping on the couch with me while I read, sitting in the sun, drinking only cold water, and barking at the mailman.



Bea was the oldest rat I’ve ever had the pleasure of loving! She was almost 4 years old. When I first rescued her, she didn’t want much to do with me, but by the end of her life she would happily accept treats and pets. She fought really hard and I miss her already.



Dearest Magpie,
You are and always will be the love of my life. You taught me about unconditional love, living in the moment and friendship. Thank you for choosing me to take care of you till the very end. Your love💕 is with me forever until we meet again... My sunshine... my only sunshine☀️.

—Sophie Greenberg

👀 Click here to see Ampon, Bea, and Magpie with friends