Smiling Pet Angels

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Wu Wu Yuen & Samantha

From left to right : Wu Wu Yuen and Samantha


“Wu Wu is a very beautiful cat. He was born with genetic problem that make him live with chronic health issue but he was very brave a fighter.” —Mei Yuen


“Samantha, the stinky sausage, who loved to play with her family's stinky socks! If someone got up from their seat, she would immediately move in to claim it as her own. When sleeping at night, she always had to have at least a paws worth of physical contact with whoever she was closest to. She also loved playing with her favorite toy, Bad Kitty, whenever she had the chance. When it was dinner time, she would spin in happy circles, yipping excitedly! But more than all the other things she loved, she especially loved her cuddle time with daddy. She will always be loved and missed. And her family cannot wait to cross the rainbow bridge together with her.” —Shawnee

👀 Click here to see Wu Wu Yuen and Samantha with friends