Smiling Pet Angels

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Tony, Laowu, & Laosan

From left to right : Tony (托尼), Laowu (老五), & Laosan (老三). They are from the same family.




老三是一只黄雀,大约于2010年12月的某个周末早晨从桥头的早市被带回了家来,随着日光渐长,老三在家里呆的时间越长,生活也越来越规律,没有小时候那样顽皮,也更知道怎样节省自己的力气,虽然不再那么好奇去探索未知世界,却仍然很爱干净,一天洗好几次澡,仍旧爱吃黄瓜,当罐里该添食的时候,便会依旧灵巧地忽闪着翅膀招呼你。 老三于2020年4月20日前往彩虹桥🌈,与它的好友托尼在云上一端相会啦!❤️” —翼

Translation (by Phoebe):

Tony liked to chew on all the plants in the house when no one was watching. He liked it when we brushed his hair. He liked to chase shadows. He disliked it when we left the house without bringing him along. He got more and more clingy as he got older. He went to Rainbow Bridge at the age of 19! I can never forget the day on Mar 20th when Tony passed away at the vet. It was drizzling when we left the vet. My tears were blended with the raindrops. It was the first rain of spring in Beijing that year.

Laowu was a Russet sparrow. She's the fifth bird in the house, with dark eyes and dark beaks. She loved to descend onto our shoulders and chests, pecking on our hairs and fingers. She would close her eyes, take naps, wake up, and look all around. Tony's water bowl was right under Laowu's cage. Laowu would stretch her neck and stare at Tony whenever he was drinking water. When Tony looked up, Laowu would immediately turn around and start grooming herself. Seven years later, Laowu went to the beautiful Rainbow Bridge and started her happy new life...

Laosan was a Eurasian siskin. He was brought home one December day in 2010 from a morning market. As days went by, Laosan spent more and more time in his cage and followed a daily routine. He became less playful than when he was young and knew how to preserve his energy. Even though he became less curious about the outside world, he still kept up with his hygiene and groomed himself multiple times a day. He loved eating cucumbers. Whenever he needed more food, he would flap his wings towards us. Laosan went to Rainbow Bridge on 4/20/2020 and joined his best friend Tony.

👀 Click here to see Tony (托尼), Laowu (老五), and Laosan (老三) with friends