Smiling Pet Angels

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Tinker, Baphy, & Rollie

Left to right : Tinker, Baphy, and Rollie. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 10/09/2021, 04/15/2021, and 09/12/2021, respectively.


Tinker was rarely a cuddle bug kind of cat, but she was protective, caring, and always knew when she was needed. She was my rock, and in her final moments, she allowed me to be hers.



Baphy was the cuddliest little man. He loved to eat yogurt treats and snuggle with mum. We miss him so much !!!



Rollie was our very best friend. His silly mannerisms always made us laugh, he was the best snuggler and we will always miss him snoring next to us on the couch. He always knew how to make our days a little brighter and was the best boy we could have ever asked for.

—Zane, Reign, Courtney, Colton

👀 Click here to see Tinker, Baphy, and Rollie with friends