Smiling Pet Angels

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Ryver, Lily, & Zeus

From left to right : Ryver, Lily, and Zeus. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 02/14/2020, 03/26/21, and 05/14/2019 respectively.


Ryver was my service dog for 8 years and my best friend for 9 1/2. He and I did everything together, even after he retired. He was the happiest boy, always smiling. He loved tennis balls, swimming and eating. His favorite foods were carrots, watermelon, and bananas. Ryver had the softest fur and the fluffiest tail. I used to say his coat was magical because no matter when he’d been groomed last people always thought he’d just had a bath. I’m a big fan of the tv show Supernatural and Ryver came with me to the Chicago Supernatural convention every year. Ryver’s life was cut short at 11 by degenerative myelopathy and I’m broken without him.

—Valarie Franklin


She was an abuse rescue that was feral due to it, but she loved me since she was eight weeks old, passing at 11 yrs of feline intestinal cancer. She was my ESA. She stayed with me until the last moment, always worried about me. I promised her she would always be with me, physically, mentally and spiritually, and she is.

—Honey Cottenham


❤ Zeus (Zeusie Doo) was born in our home on 11/12/2004, and right away I knew he was going to stay! Always by my side, he was my protector and best friend.

❤ Zeus also loved 'his boy' (Lance) so much, that he could tell whenever he was coming home just by the sound of his vehicle, and then he would run to the door to welcome him home. And even when 'his boy' grew up and moved away, he still always greeted him with the same love and longing as in his younger years - he never forgot that special bond.

❤ One of his favorite games, was to play with his 'monkey baby' ball that his daddy got him. If he broke it, we would search store after store or the internet to track another down for him. Zeus was always such a character!! He also had a special game he would play with ONLY his daddy called the 'growl game' - oh, how he loved that game! His daddy would do 'pincher fingers' by his nose until he growled and snapped, and then he would get a treat.

❤ Zeus was our world, and he knew it - absolutely spoiled. And, he was our prime rib and stir fry connoisseur!

❤ After 14 years, 6 months and 2 days, Zeus went to the Rainbow Bridge with all of us present. We will never forget him. And, as we also know, he will never forget us. Run and play sweet boy - we love you always.

—Kathie & John

👀 Click here to see Ryver, Lily, and Zeus with friends