Smiling Pet Angels

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Rita Stormy & Mister Tomlin

From left to right : Rita Stormy and Mister Tomlin. They came to Rainbow Bridge on 01/11/2019 and 10/09/2021 respectively.


Baby Rita was a sweet girl who I got from the shelter. When I went to the shelter she was in a cage away from all the other cats that were roaming around. They told me she was unadoptable because she was so mean. They called her Stormy because her claws were like lightning. They didn't charge me an adoption fee because they didn't think she was adoptable, and they gave me a pet carrier because they were afraid she was too violent for the cardboard totes. She ended up being a beautiful, loving addition to our family. She was SO affectionate and sweet until the very last day of her life which ended too soon from pancreatic cancer.



Our sweet Meow Meow Kitty Kitty, we are so sorry that our love couldn't save you from having to deal with that awful cancer. You were the very best cat in the whole wide world and we thank you for always being so good to us! Even though there is still a lot of life here in our house, it feels awfully quiet now without you here. There are no more 5am daily meow wake ups or purrs. Mama misses you sitting beside her on the bench in the kitchen at supper time. Dad says he still expects to see you on the shelf at the front door table to rub your face on his legs and greet him with happy meows when he gets home from work. When we adopted you that first Christmas, we knew you were meant to be ours and you just fit right in. You were a wonderful furry son and such a good kitty brother to all of our fur siblings too. We all miss you dearly & our family is not the same without you here. We still expect for you to try to open the door when we let the doggies out. You have left a meow sized hole in our hearts. We hope that you're cuddled with Toby and Bear Bear at the Rainbow Bridge. Love, Mom & Dad

—Katie & Mike

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